Similar Neighbor Selector

class defSim.neighbor_selector_sim.SimilarNeighborSelector.SimilarNeighborSelector(**kwargs)

Bases: defSim.neighbor_selector_sim.neighbor_selector_sim.NeighborSelector

Implements the neighborSelector such that neighbors with a similar cultural profile are selected. Either all neighbors are selected - in the case of one-to-many and many-to-one communication - or a random neighbor - in the case of one-to-one communication.

select_neighbors(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, focal_agent: int, regime: str, confidence_level_neighbor_selector: float = 0.5, **kwargs) → Iterable[int]

Selects a random agent from the direct neighborhood of the focal agent that is within the specified cultural distance, as stored in the edge between the focal agent and the potential selected neighbor. If the regime is “one-to-many” or “many-to-one”, all neighbors within the confidence criterion are selected. When there are no eligible neighbors (i.e. the focal agent is too dissimilar from all his neighbors), an empty list is returned.

  • network – A NetworkX object

  • focal_agent – The index of the focal agent, who is either the source (for “one-to-one” or “one-to-many” communication) or target (for “many-to-one”) of influence.

  • regime – Whether the focal agent interacts with only one or many agents from his or her neighborhood. If “one-to-one”: One neighbor to which the focal agent has an outgoing tie is selected. If “one-to-many”: All neighbors to which the focal agent has an outgoing tie are selected. If “many-to-one”: All neighbors from which the focal agent has an incoming tie are selected.

  • confidence_level_neighbor_selector – The confidence level, i.e. the maximal allowed cultural distance between two nodes as stored in their edge attribute “dist”

  • kwargs – Additional parameters specific to the implementation of the InfluenceOperator.


ValueError if not one of the possible options for the communication_regime is chosen.


A list of the indices of the relevant other agents.