Agent attributes (initialization component)
This component is concerned with initializing the attributes of the agents at the start of the simulation run. The following methods are available:
Initializing the attributes can be done using the following function:
To initialize attributes, the following function can be called:
(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, realization: str, **kwargs) This function works as a factory method for the AttributesInitializer component. It calls the initialize_attributes function of a specific implementation of the AttributesInitializer and passes to it the kwargs dictionary.
- Parameters
network – The network that will be modified.
realization – The specific AttributesInitializer that shall be used to initialize the attributes. Options are “random_categorical” and “random_continuous”.
kwargs – The parameter dictionary with all optional parameters.
(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, name: str, values: list, distribution: str = 'uniform', **kwargs) Adds a categorical attribute to all nodes in a network. The values for that attribute are drawn from a list of possible values provided by the user.
- Parameters
network – The graph object whose nodes’ attributes are modified.
name – the name of the attribute. This is used as a key to call the attribute value in other functions.
values – A list that contains all possible values for that attribute.
distribution – ‘gaussian’, ‘uniform’, or ‘custom’ are possible values.
kwargs –
a dictionary containing the parameter name and value for each distribution, these are:
for gaussian: loc and scale. loc would be the index of the most common value in the values list
for custom distribution: c. an array-like containing the probabilities for each entry in the values list.
(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, name: str, shape: tuple = 1, distribution: str = 'uniform', **kwargs) Adds a continuous attribute to all nodes in a network. The values of the attribute are drawn from a distribution that is set by the user. Random values are drawn using the numpy.random module.
- Parameters
network – The graph object whose nodes’ attributes are modified.
shape – sets the output shape of the attribute value. Allows e.g. for multidimensional opinion vectors
name – the name of the attribute. This is used as a key to call the attribute value in other functions
distribution – “normal”, “uniform”, “beta”, “triangular” are possible distributions to choose from
kwargs –
a dictionary containing the parameter name and value for each distribution, these are:
loc, scale to set center and spread for the normal distribution (truncated at [0,1])
a, b to set center and shape for the beta distribution for the beta distribution
loc to set center for the triangular distribution
Abstract Base Class
The Abstract Base Class of the agent attribute initializer:
(**kwargs) Initializes and changes attributes of nodes in the network.
(**kwargs) - Parameters
kwargs – This dictionary contains all the implementation-specific parameters.
(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, **kwargs) Gives initial values to the nodes in the network. Values could e.g. be based on their position in the network.
- Parameters
network – The network that will be modified.