Network evolution (simulation component)

NOTE: This component is currently non-functional.

network_evolution_sim module

class defSim.network_evolution_sim.network_evolution_sim.NetworkModifier(**kwargs)

Bases: abc.ABC

The NetworkModifier changes the structure of the network. It can build or remove edges based on how agents are connected and what attributes they have.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

abstract rewire_network(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, **kwargs)

Creates new connections or deletes existing ones. Can be used to implement coevolution of networks and model selection processes.


network – The network that will be modified.

defSim.network_evolution_sim.network_evolution_sim.rewire_network(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, realization: str, **kwargs)

This function works as a factory method for the NetworkModifier component. It calls the rewire_network method of a specific implementation of the AttributesInitializer and passes to it the kwargs dictionary.

  • network – The network that will be modified.

  • realization – The specific NetworkModifier that shall be used to initialize the attributes. Options are “maslov_sneppen”, ..

  • kwargs – The parameter dictionary with all optional parameters.


class defSim.network_evolution_sim.MaslovSneppenModifier.MaslovSneppenModifier(rewiring_prop: Optional[float] = None, rewiring_exact: Optional[int] = None)

Bases: defSim.network_evolution_sim.network_evolution_sim.NetworkModifier

__init__(rewiring_prop: Optional[float] = None, rewiring_exact: Optional[int] = None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

rewire_network(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, rewiring_prop: Optional[float] = None, rewiring_exact=None, **kwargs)

This method executes Maslov Sneppen rewiring [MaslovSneppen2002]. Until a given proportion of the network edges is rewired, the algorithm will pick two edges at random, remove them, and construct an edge between a different combination of nodes that have just lost an edge. Effectively, this introduces randomization of network structure, while leaving the degree distribution unchanged. Because the parameter rewiring_prop functions as a threshold for number of rewiring iterations that need to be executed, it can exceed 1. Actually, to achieve a random network starting from a network with structure, the rewiring proportion should exceed 1.

  • network – NetworkX Graph object

  • rewiring_prop – A threshold for the minimum proportion of edges in the graph object that need to be rewired. Sampling these edges happens with replacement, so rewiring_prop may exceed 1.

  • rewiring_exact – The exact number of edges to rewire. One of rewiring_prop or rewiring_exact must be set. If both are set, rewiring_exact takes precedence.


Does not return the network. The network is modified in place.


class defSim.network_evolution_sim.NewTiesModifier.NewTiesModifier(new_ties_probability: Optional[float] = None)

Bases: defSim.network_evolution_sim.network_evolution_sim.NetworkModifier

__init__(new_ties_probability: Optional[float] = None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

rewire_network(network: networkx.classes.graph.Graph, new_ties_probability: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs)

This function finds all previously unconnected agents in the network and connects them with a given probability.

  • network – NetworkX Graph object

  • new_ties_probability – Probability to create new tie between each pair of previously unconnected agents.

The network is modified in place. :returns: Number of edges added.



Maslov, S., & Sneppen, K. (2002). Specificity and stability in topology of protein networks. Science, 296(May), 910–913.